COVID-19: 5 Ways You Must Follow To Keep Yourself Safe During This Pandemic!

COVID-19: 5 Ways You Must Follow To Keep Yourself Safe During This Pandemic!

May 24, 2020 0 Comments

The COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest public health challenge the world has faced in recent times.

What Covid-19 really is?

This is one of the hundreds of viruses that can cause a series of illnesses ranging from death to common fever, respiratory problems, and sometimes stomach and intestine problems. The novel coronavirus that appeared in 2019 is one of seven members of this family known to attack humans, and the third in the past three decades to transfer from animals to humans. Since emerging in China in December, this new COVID-19 has resulted in a global health emergency.

How It spreads?

According to the most recent research, this virus usually spread from people to people through respiratory droplets ( This is a term used for the wet stuff that moves through the air) and contact routes. When an affected person sneezes, exhales, or coughs the droplets are released into the air landing on surfaces. When an unaffected person touches the contaminated surface, and then his eyes, nose, or mouth the virus is transferred.

Breathing near someone who has COVID-19 also provides a route to the virus so avoid going near the affected ones without proper safety!

5 most important ways to keep yourself safe.

This virus spreads quickly from person to person so you need to take some precautionary measures to stay safe.

Here are the 5 easy steps you can follow to stay unaffected by this pandemic:

1. Social distancing.

This virus has spread all over the world in a very short time because the biggest strength of this virus is that it can transfer quickly from one person to another. The most recent research says that this virus is transferred through respiratory droplets (This is a term used for the wet stuff that moves through the air). According to the CDC, You must maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from every person.


2. Do not Touch your Face, nose, and mouth unnecessarily.

When an affected person sneezes, exhales, or coughs the droplets are released and are too heavy that they land down on the surfaces or floors. When an unaffected person touches the contaminated surface, and then his eyes, nose, or mouth the virus is transferred.


3. Wash your hands regularly.

Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with alcohol made hand rub or soap. Using alcohol made hand rub kills the viruses that me be on your hand.





4. Follow good respiratory hygiene.

Make sure that you and the people you’re surrounded by, follow a good respiratory hygiene. It means whenever you sneeze or cough, try to cover your mouth with a tissue or inside of your elbow. Dispose of any tissue that you use right away.


5. Enhance your immune system.

You need to take good care of your immune system. Maintain a healthy and balanced diet that’s high in fruits and vegetables. Quit all the bad habits like smoking or alcohol consumption or at least give it a try.

Exercising is a major way to boost your immune system. You don’t need to go to a gym during this pandemic, You can maintain a healthy workout routine at your home with your household stuff. Try to do at least a 30 minutes workout. 

Don’t forget to get enough sleep. On average, a human body needs 7-9 hours of sleep to function at it’s best.

Follow these 5 easy steps to stay in the green zone during this pandemic!